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School's Project Bundles




Company theatre school’s – School’s Project is here to help. We take the student on a journey to learn through a variety of stimuli. We learn through interaction, teamwork and communication. Interaction through fun and games is the way we get the student with no voice to speak up. It’s fantastic to see the impact on those who are naturally more inward. Please look at our bundles and see which suits your school. You are in control so pick away and mix it up if you wish.




Drama Queen


Performing arts and Drama help children and adults alike. It helps teach basic human interactions to more in-depth psychology by building self-knowledge and confidence.


Drama isn't just for those who are eager to be centre stage. It's also very important for those who are lacking confidence and basic communication skills. We at CTS aim work to through structured fun and games adding that social bonus. To know oneself is to be confident, resulting in strong self-esteem. We just give that gentle touch in the right direction.


Drama helps to build the basics and lets either the child or adult put the icing on the cake so to speak. Much of drama is human interaction. From watching others, taking other opinions and giving constructive feedback. Helping the student to accept full responsibility for their own behaviour. All this comes out through the games and exercises, through discussions and improvisations.


When in production we delve into the world of the writer create characters and discuss all aspects. We encourage the students to show initiative and how they fit in the world with those around them.


Our drama room isn't a place you can pigeonhole. Look around and you will see the school jocks, cheerleaders, goths and geeks all mixing, sharing and learning in a happy environment. This is stereotyping when in fact they are just children, in our school, there is no type, faith or religion. Yes, of course, people naturally judge others and stereotype those around them. No matter the student's background, no matter their faith we have a safe space to learn and make friends.


In our drama room, the students learn to acquire knowledge and tolerance of others cultural differences and learn to respect the many cultures that society has to offer. Purely by the social interaction that drama and performing arts give to the student. Most important the mirror that drama holds up to the child. Again, to know oneself is to be confident and happy. 



In conclusion, drama is a vital part of the learning and growth of youth and social interaction. It's for all ages and gives children a good start and idea of human interaction, psychology, cultures, laws the list goes on.....



Happy Feet


Dance is a way of perceiving, a body of knowledge, and a personal experience. It is through dance that your students will actively engage in learning to use movement to communicate and express their thoughts, feelings and ideas. It helps define certain societies and periods in time contributing to a broad body of knowledge. 



Pop Idol


Singing can support children’s development. One way or another, children are exposed to and involved with singing from their earliest years. Whether it’s a parent singing them to sleep, or the opening theme song from their favourite TV programme. Singing plays an important part in a child’s development. In our after school club, we have fun learning from stage songs, screen songs to popular pop songs to help them learn to tell stories through song. 



Karate Kid

Today it's all too easy for our children to be sat in front of a screen. We at CTS are on a mission to help your school get your kids moving. Let them learn the disciplines of martial arts and get fit at the same time!


Martial arts will help to teach children the art of self-discipline. All too often in the modern-day children are accustomed to getting what they want when they want. Martial arts teach restraint and patience.
Get Active

It gets kids away from their screens and off the sofa and encourages them to be more physically active at the same time as having fun. Learning martial art is a full-body workout not only for the body but the mind as well!


Setting Goals

Having a competition or tournament that the children can aim for helps teach them to set goals in life and whether they win or not it helps them to deal with either outcome which will be beneficial in later life.



Sometimes in the modern-day, children find it hard to respect authoritative figures however martial arts teaches kids to respect their instructor and each other as they learn the art.



Listening is key in martial arts as without listening to the instructor they will be unable to complete the move correctly. It teaches listening on a one-to-one basis as well as in a group and demonstrating these skills allows children to progress through the belts.

Increases self-esteem and confidence

When a child masters a new skill or moves it will boost their confidence and give them a real sense of achievement. Working their way up through the ranks also shows that hard work pays off and they have something to be confident about.



Often in practice classes will work in pairs to practise and learn new skills and moves. This not only teaches them to respect the other children but work together to achieve their mutual goal. They’ll soon learn that sometimes two heads are better than one!


Conflict Resolution

A common misconception of martial arts is that they promote violent behaviour but in fact, it is quite the opposite. Martial arts teach children peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and emphasis that physical altercations must be avoided.




One of the most popular activities for any child is to get involved in a sport. With our tutors, you can choose whichever sport you wish. If it is a football term or cricket our staff will get them learning the game and getting fitter having fun.



        Our list of sports you can choose from:


  • Badminton

  • Cricket

  • Basketball

  • Bowling  

  • Cheerleading / Competitive Spirit Squads

  • Cross Country

  • Dance Team  

  • Field Hockey

  • Football (Boys + Girls)

  • Golf

  • Gymnastics  

  • Hockey  

  • Indoor Track & Field

  • Lacrosse

  • Softball (Girls)

  • Slow Pitch Softball (Girls)

  • Tennis

  • Track & Field

  • Volleyball

  • Wrestling



Pick ‘N’ Mix



Our pick 'N' Mix option is literally that. You can choose anything you want and we will provide it. If you wanted our director in on Tuesday working towards your Christmas show. Then Wednesday the football coach and Thursday our Karate martial arts instructor. You are in control, we only ask that the sessions are booked in blocks (Usually term time). Any one-off workshops are to be discussed as can lead to changes in prices. 


Let us help you!

Thanks for getting in touch, we will get back as soon as possible!

© Company Theatre School 2025
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